Singing Guide: Lucas Brar

Singing Guide: Lucas Brar

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Lucas Brar: A Step-By-Step Guide

Lucas Brar is a notable singer, songwriter, and guitarist born on May 29, 1995, in British Columbia, Canada. His music is a unique blend of rock, metal, and jazz that showcases his exceptional guitar skills and exceptional vocal range. To learn how to sing like Lucas Brar, here are a few steps to follow:

1. Develop excellent breath support

One of the most crucial factors in singing like Lucas Brar is developing excellent breath control. Ensure that you have excellent posture, and your diaphragm is engaged when singing, to develop stronger breath support. You can learn more about breath support using resources such as "Breathing basics" and "Breath support".

2. Master your voice registers

Lucas Brar has an exceptional vocal range, often using a mix of chest, head, and mixed voice registers to create his signature sound. It is essential to develop a strong head and chest voice to master your vocal registers. You can learn more about vocal registers using resources such as "Voice registers & vocal break" and "Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting".

3. Work on your pitch accuracy

Lucas Brar's music is known for its intricate melodies and exceptional pitch accuracy. You can improve your pitch accuracy using resources such as "Pitch accuracy test" and "Pitch Training".

4. Learn his unique vocal techniques

Lucas Brar uses a variety of unique singing techniques to create his signature sound, including growling, vibrato, and vocal distortion. You can learn more about these techniques using resources such as "Vocal distortion & Growling", and "Singing with Vibrato". Ensure you practice them well to integrate them into your own singing style.

5. Practice his songs

Lucas Brar's catalog of songs is an excellent place to start practicing your singing skills. A few recommended songs to get you started include "Sonic Stomp," "Starlight Moonlight," and "Escape Velocity." You can use Singing Carrots' "Song search" to find more songs that match your vocal range and genre preference.

6. Monitor your progress

A crucial part of getting better at singing like Lucas Brar is monitoring your progress. You can use Singing Carrots' "Vocal Pitch Monitor" and keep track of your progress statistics on the website to know where you need to improve.


Singing like Lucas Brar requires dedication, excellent breath control, strong vocal registers, pitch accuracy, and a lot of practice. With the help of Singing Carrots' extensive resources, you can learn these skills and master them. Remember to have fun while practicing, and you'll be singing like Lucas Brar in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.